Oh the shame….

So i watched Jamelia: Shame about single mums.

It was entertaining, educational and tugged at your heart strings.

The end.

Watch it.

Now onto the fun bit.

Statistically approximately 70% of children raised in a single parent household are more likely to have alcohol and drug problems, fail in school and have a teen pregnancy.

The stigma attached to single mothers is one of shame and digust.

They are cheap.

They are easy.

They sponge of the government.

What is not widely discussed is the underbelly of this “PROBLEM”

My mother is not cheap, easy and does not sponge of the government.

This is a product of an abusive relationship not a choice she made.

I am a really happy person slightly disfunctional but this is because it is me.

My brother is saner!

I am proud to be a product of the shame.

I am proud to be breaking stereotypes since 1989.

Oh and look happy family…..

Well my brother looks very very very scared….

Actually so does my mum….

